science and life
I fancy myself as a scientist, dabbling in bader chemisty and subatomic physics, an ardent disciple of Einstein, Dopler, Dalton, Maxwell, Faraday, and especially Herman Boltzmann and James Joule. I admire the lifestory of James Joule and understand his odyssey, though I question some parts now. The new ideas on energy are my career quest. Chemistry has a good side. But life is more important. I have 2 periodic tables of the elements on my wall (in Chinese) and two pics of Jesus. Why didnt the Son of God go tell his followers about the elements instead of waiting 1800 years for Mendeleev of Russia to twig to it. Non-believers can easily say He didnt know, which sounds logical, just like He may not have had a clue about north and south america or the real asia of Japan and China. Makes me wonder.
Maybe science and geography were not important. People embody spirits and that counts. Maybe in the long run, the very long run, that is all that there is.
As the Industrial Revolution gathered momentum towards 1900 the pathetical global consus was that science had conquored living. Steam trains and steam boats ruled the ways people lived and thought. Gun boats quelled China’s rule of China. This was technology conquering traditon without culture. Marx declared religion dead. Japanese flocked to Europe fawning on the magnificence of Europe. WWI. They were stunned wnen 20,00 soldiers died first day. Technology can be a disaster.
Oscar Wilde said something great. As a man about town in London he said he paid more attention to the joy of life than to being paid for writing. Your dad, Oscar, the Marquis of Queensbury, would appove of that sentiment.
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