

I am an Australian living in China and managed and advised on many projects developing positives and trying to avoid and alleviate the negatives. My first degree was in economics but China is much too complex for that and I went back and researched energy, materials, exergy and entropy for a PhD. Exergy is the AVAILABLE energy and entropy is the UNAVAILABLE energy. Sure helps get things right using this approach. With 16 projects for Asian Development Bank 2005-2023, I have just registered as a Consulting Firm COULTER MGMT with ADB for future inputs.
圣经说: “所看见的,并不是从显然之物造出来的。”(希伯来书11:3)

Contact:  xili@coulterexergy.com


2011-07-19 13:00:18

Hi, Doc Coulter
This is the girl you met in Shichahai Information center. Now I have a question for you . you know SIFE?a NGO and SIFE establishes student teams on university campuses. Here has another competition about saving water, but actually I have little knowledge about the technique. Can you be my guide teacher about helping firms to save water or recycle water? please let me know as soon as possible. looking forward to your reply John~
yours Rayna